Tired of searching the internet to try to get your logic games questions answered? Looking for personalized support that you can access when you are getting stuck?
Join my logic games course. We cover all the types of games in a comprehensive manner so that you are prepared for anything the LSAT throws at you!
We meet 8 times and each session is 2 hours each for a total of 16 hours. Sessions are live over zoom but are also recorded in case you’d like to rewatch.
This is for you if you’re:
- Struggling to understand the methodology of the LGs
- Knowing your LG can improve but struggling to figure out how to get those extra points
- Not loving the explanations and videos you’re finding online
- Not getting the support you need when you get stumped
- Feeling alone in your LSAT journey
- Would love 1-on-1 support but don’t love the price tag of private tutoring
In the course we work on:
- A comprehensive review of all test types so that you feel prepared for test day
- Work through 16-32 past LGs (we can get through 2 – 4 games per session)
- Courses recorded in case you need to watch later
- Personalized instruction geared towards the class
- Easy access to my help if you’re stuck on a question or layout
- Community of students all working towards the same goals.
- Lifetime access to course if you want to retake in a later session
Material covered
We work through all the types of games that are common to see on each LSAT, and then work with a couple that aren’t very common.
Session 1: Sequencing – Putting things in order! These games are often the first to ‘click’ with students and are a fun introduction.
Session 2: Selecting (Also called In and Out games) – We have a lot of variables and some will be selected, while others will not. Oddly enough, we’ll need to keep track both of what IS selected, as well as what IS NOT selected, in order to ace this section.
Session 3: Grouping – Putting things in groups – sometimes two groups, sometimes three, occasionally four. We work to keep track of it all.
Session 4: Process – Ok these are the games that don’t really fit neatly in a bucket, but the process games in my mind are when people or entities are trading things. Have you ever bartered Halloween candy with your siblings or friends? I’ll give you one KitKat for two small lollipops. Same concept.
Now we have laid a good foundation we go to…. Combo Games! These combine at least 2 of the types above. Maybe we group and sequence. Maybe we sequence and select. Etc.
Session 5: Easier Combo Games: We’ll start out with some of the basic and more usual combo games, it’s not too painful. These are likely to be your 1st game, 2nd game or even 3rd game in the LSAT.
Session 6: Harder Combo Games: It had to happen – we go through some game types that regularly show up, but they are a bit more complex. They might show up as your 3rd or 4th game.
At this point you have seen everything this is likely to show up on your LSAT. And really, the process games are uncommon, so you should be feeling very prepared by this point! But wait, there’s more. We’ll go through two more sessions, just so that you’re really, really, really prepared.
Session 7: Colorful Combos: I did not set out to find colorful games, but instead to find games that at least initially, didn’t neatly fit in our previous categories. What to do if you aren’t sure what to do? We discuss here.
Session 8: Hard games: Ok, bad news, I did pick at least one of these because it was hard…and a bit unusual! Sorry. How do we approach? How can you use the critical thinking skills you’ve developed to get to the correct answers when the game is different than what you’ve seen previously?
To sum up: The LSAT is a critical thinking test, and no section highlights it better than the games. They are always trying to stay ahead of test-takers, and several of the more recent LSAT’s (the 80s) have games that are unique and rather unprecedented. The critical thinking skills we develop in the course will be so helpful for your 4th game.
The great news about the LSAT is that it is graded on a curve, so if you can handle seeing a slightly different type of game and get the correct answers, you will be at a huge advantage over others who can’t handle seeing something new.
- Understand the different types of games and layouts, and when to apply each
- Read the prompt, rules and questions (and answers) clearly and correctly – there can be a lot of nuance and sublteties in each of them that is very easy to skim over or misinterpret. Luckily, once you notice it once you’ll start to pay more attention to it in the future
- Understand how to approach “complete and accurate” questions, which are oftentimes the first question, and how to always get them correct, even if you don’t have time to build out a layout for your game.
- Learn the difference between “Universal” questions and “If” questions, and how to approach each
- Develop your critical thinking skills
- Have fun!
Past students have gone from:
10/23 correct in LG just before the course to 22/23 correct shortly after it.
Here are the dates for the next session!
- October 16
- October 19
- October 23
- October 26
- October 30
- November 2
- November 6
- November 9
All times 7-9 EST.
The price works out to $30 / hour for the 16 hour course. This is a great way to get personalized support without the price tag of 1 on 1 tutoring!
Payment plans available on request!
Also, Venmo and Zelle both work – send me a message on FB if you like details about purchasing that way!